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Who would've thought!

Writer's picture: Dianne Lynne TamDianne Lynne Tam

Updated: Aug 27, 2020

The story of our "Devotionals of My Life" , came to be!

IIf someone had told me a year ago that I would be writing a book, I would have thought they were crazy. Not that I have not thought about it. Several years ago actually when I turned fifty, I wanted to write a book of devotionals at the time. I was planning my fiftieth birthday event and the releasing of my first Gospel single. But, with all the preparation for my event and my CD single recording, I didn’t have time to think about the book. And so, unfortunately, just as in life as things come and go, that particular aspiration seemed to just pass in the wind. Then about six months ago God begin to chasten me. I was under a satanic attack where the enemy was tryingto make me feel guilty about so many things involving my self-esteem, and he would torment me especially atnight where I couldn’t sleep.As I began to seek the Lord to figure out what was going on, I sensed that God was chastening me by allowing the demonic attack. I began to realize that I was out toomuch and I needed to settle down. I didn’t realize how much my husband was concerned about me being caught up in so many activities and commitments on topof my full-time job. God wanted me to slow down, and that was hard. I asked myself if it was for a purpose. So I gave up some commitments, which was a very difficult decision to make and, while I felt a little better about what I believed God wanted me to do, yet I was still in satanic warfare.

I remember speaking to a couple of close friends about the prospect of writing a book about my life and theywere very encouraging. They knew that I had been through some experiences and I should do a “tell-all” of my testimony. While I was musing on this prospect, I was scheduled to be a worship leader at a women's day service that coming Sunday. I had no idea that the speaker was also an author of several books. In her opening remarks she began to speak about the books that she wrote and offered to give away a couple as gifts. There was one book that she spoke about which challenges you to journal your thoughts: she said that if you follow this book and do all the writing, it will prove to you that you are capable of writing your own book.When she said that I remember saying to myself sitting behind the pulpit, “I want that book,” and then she turned around and gave it to me. I got her number after service and reached out to her and she gave me some great guidance and tips on writing a book.

I was initially going to write an autobiography but then Idecided to shift to writing devotionals. I love reading devotionals and have subscribed to many of them by12

email, besides getting the Daily Word booklets at mychurch. So I thought about writing a book of devotionals that would focus on my life experiences and write about scriptures that have impacted my life. This book would be a written record of my personal testimonies. I started writing back in January when I had some free time because my IT contractor assignment had just concluded.

Getting started was not easy, for the enemy continuedto torment me with crazy condemning thoughts. My mornings were my time of reading devotionals and studying the bible. But some mornings when I wanted to write, I just didn’t even have the strength after being so exhausted from a sleepless night. So I downloaded a dictation app on my tablet and began to talk out my thoughts on specific scriptures. I started out writing between one to two devotionals a week, keeping track of the number. The more I wrote, the more ideas God would give me. I went from writing one to two devotionals to five devotionals a week. The momentum really picked up. I remember when I got to twenty-five, Itook time off to celebrate my milestone of being halfway to my goal. And as I got to thirty-five, I felt an urgency in my spirit to speed it up even more, so I begin to write ten devotionals a week. When I had set a goal to complete my writing by the end of March, my draft manuscript was done two weeks sooner. Hallelujah!! What anaccomplishment for someone who’d never written abook or had the gifting to write!

And, yes, I can say during this time I am winning thisbattle against Satan through prayer, through fasting, and just being around strong Word-based people. I saw what the enemy was trying to do – but God brought me out. And the fact that he would come at me hard, gave me more motivation not just to complete it but complete it ahead of schedule. God says He knows the plans that He has for us as in Jeremiah 29:11. I had no idea that I would be writing a book in 2020 and going through this processin the midst of a pandemic in our world. My sisters and my brothers, sometimes you’ve got to fight and battle through to get your victory. When the enemy comes at you real hard, know that there is a greater purpose about to emerge on the horizon. I pray that this book will bless you, providing another written record of the great works of God and what God can do in a person’s life if he or she lives for Him. It’s time to testify about the good works of God so that people can see God and His working in our lives. I had a cousin ask me if God was “a propos” in thesetimes. We need to tell the story of how God has been amazing in our lives so that people will know that God still works! Speak about how you overcame your obstacles with God’s help! Speak about how you mastered your challenges and tell the people how God pulled you through. I know there are many books out there, especially devotionals but, when you tell yourstory, it is unique. No one can tell your story better than you.14

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